Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve

Our Christmas was a beautifully calm and spiritual one. We went to church and had a quiet dinner at home. For the first year ever, we bought no gifts since we both decided that we buy what we want throughout the year. We gave each other a cruise from December 14th until the 21st going to Montego Bay, Grand Cayman and Cozumel. It was truly relaxing and we both enjoyed the pampering. My other "big" present in November was a Blackberry....I'm still trying to learn how to use it but I'll master it (with help from my sister)!

Today is New Year's Eve Day and the weather outside is gorgeous. Don had arthroscopic knee surgery yesterday so we're just taking it easy. Tonight we will go to our friend's house to welcome 2009. Susan has been so gracious - this is our 3rd New Year's Eve at her home. For all of our family and friends reading this blog, we wish you a perfect 2009 - full of happiness, good health and joy in all you do.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Hi Linda! I found you following our blog faithful you are. Yea! You are blogging too. Now I can follow you. Happiest new year to you both-Cheers!